Star Wars App


Start: 02/2022.

End: 02/2022.

Project description (Github)

A mobile app for Android, powered by flutter, which uses an external API to display a list of Star Wars characters and movies. This project was created in under 3 days to participate in a job interview. The user can use it to bookmark their favorite items and access the official Star Wars fan site for recent news. Also, you can customize your avatar’s appearance within the app.


Snakes and Ladders App


Start: 02/2022.

End: 02/2022.

Project description (Github)

This is a Flutter project for the snakes and ladders game, developed for Android devices. Contains some animations. This project was created in under 7 days to participate in a job interview. Two players take turns throwing dice, based on the values of the dice, people automatically move around the board, following the rules of the traditional snakes and ladders game. The player who reaches number 100 first wins. After that the game ends and a new round can start.


Finance App


Start: 04/2022.

End: 07/2022.

Project description

Personal finance control app, created so I can keep track of my expenses and income. Separate values by categories, update values as soon as I make a purchase and perform graphical analysis.


  • Android Studio
  • Flutter
  • Dart