
Start: 12/2020.

End: 12/2020.

Project description

Our group won an EY Business Challenge with this android app idea in december of 2020. The group was composed by 3 members, I was in the developer role. We had 2 weeks to create a business model canvas and create a prototype of our solution for a fake city. The problem was to help the city’s trade and economy during the pandemics through a new solution.

We had an ideia to create the “Solidário” app. It was a cashback system where you would buy things from the stores, but the cashback would be given for donations, where the user could choose what ONG he would like to help. The ONGs in return would show how his money was being used to help the community. Therefore, we could help the whole ecosystem of the city with this new cashback purpose.

In the end we created a business model canvas using Miro, presented a pitch, designed our app using Figma, developed a prototype in java for android devices and created a instagram page with more than 50 followers in one week.

We won the competition and made great friendships with our EY mentors, that also helped us during our next challenge: Create Davai, our new startup ideia.


solidario slide
Pitch slide

solidario instagram
Solidario App Instagram

solidario app 1 solidario app 2 solidario app 3
App design screenshots


  • Android Studio
  • Figma
  • Flutter
  • Dart
  • Miro