R markdown Website



Start: 07/2022.

End: 07/2022.

Project Description

Website development of a R script in Markdown for test purposes.

IBGE insurance brokers



Start: 04/2022.

End: 04/2022.

Project description

Project to identify the average age of insurance brokers in Brazil, through official data from IBGE surveys using the R language. A friend of mine who worked at Porto Seguros, wanted to start an insurance startup, and asked me to help find out some information about the class of insurance brokers in Brazil. He told me where to find the IBGE data, and from then on I did the analysis. More details on github.

SQL project



Start: 04/2022.

End: 04/2022.

Project description

Study of the various commands that exist in the SQL language of the W3 Schools website